Self Service

The application features a full-blown self service module covering functionality from payroll to employee actions.

OXUS HRIS employee self-service includes the Leave application self-service The Leave application self-service options include the following-

  • The Leave Application.

  • The Relief Screen - shows the individuals who are on leave and the individual chosen as their relief.

  • Manager actions - where managers can view and approve leave requests.

To get to the leave self-service options

  1. click on the HR logo in the upper left hand top corner which takes you to the dashboard of the employee

  2. the self-service is listed in the menu


Relief Screen

During the leave application an employee can choose another employee as a relief and also attach the handover notes. The notes information is available to the relief employee through the relief screen. click the relief screen to see the relief information.


To apply for a leave of absence, click the leave item on the self-service menu you will see a list of existing leave applications along with their current statuses. This shows if the leave has been completed, approved or declined.

You can also apply for a leave through the Apply button. Fill the form and click submit to finish.

../_images/apply-self-service.jpg ../_images/submit-self-service.jpg

The difference between a leave application done by a manager and one done by an employee is that the application done by a manager is automatically approved while one done by an employee is queued up for approval by a manager. It could be accepted or declined.
